Abridged Curriculum Vitae

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Boston University, Department of Sociology & Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program

100 Cummington Mall Boston, MA 02215 cati@bu.edu


2017—Present Associate Professor of Sociology, Boston University

2017—2022 Director, BU Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program

2010—2017 Assistant Professor of Sociology, Boston University


PhD University of Texas at Austin, Sociology, Spring 2010 (certificate in WGS)

MA University of Texas at Austin, Sociology, 2006

BA New York University, Sociology, 2002



Connell, Catherine. 2023. A Few Good Gays: The Gendered Compromises of Military Inclusion. University of California Press.

Connell, Catherine. 2015. School’s Out: Gay and Lesbian Teachers in the Classroom. University of California Press.

Reviewed in: American Journal of Sociology 121(4): 1290-1292; Journal of LGBT Youth 15(2): 132-134; Anthropology & Education Quarterly 46(4): 442-443; Women’s Review of Books July/August: 21-22

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Connell, Catherine. 2022. “Queer Social Control and the Homonormative Bargain: Sexual Harassment in the Era of Open LGBT Military Service.” Social Problems. DOI: 10.1093/socpro/spac024

Kampler, Ben and Catherine Connell, 2018. “The Post-Gay Debates: Competing Visions of The Future of Homosexualities.” DOI: 10.1111/soc4.12646

Connell, Catherine. 2017. “‘Different Than An Infantry Unit Down In Georgia’: Metronormativity in the Homophobia Narratives of Boston Area ROTC Cadets.” Sexualities. DOI: 10.1177/1363460717699771

Connell, Catherine. 2017.“Now That We Can Ask and Tell: Evolving LGBT Identity Politics After DADT.” Sociology Compass DOI: 10.1111/soc4.12506

Connell, Catherine. 2016. “Contesting Racialized Discourses of Homophobia.” Sociological Forum 31(3): 599-618.

Connell, Catherine. 2015. “Pride & Prejudice & Professionalism.” Contexts 14(4): 32-37.

Reprinted in Gender, Sexuality, and Intimacy (Jodi O’Brien, Arlene Stein, eds.). Sage Publications.

Mears, Ashley and Catherine Connell. 2015. “Paradoxical Value in Deviant Cases: Toward a Gendered Theory of Display Work.” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 41(2): 333-359.

Connell, Catherine. 2015. “Right to Serve or Responsibility to Protect? Civil Rights Framing and the DADT Repeal.” Boston University Law Review 95(3): 1015-1048.

Connell, Catherine. 2013. “Fashionable Resistance: Queer ‘Fatshion’ Blogging as Counterdiscourse.” Women’s Studies Quarterly 41(1/2): 209-224.

Connell, Catherine. 2012. “Dangerous Disclosures.” Sexuality Research & Social Policy 9(2): 168-177.

Williams, Christine and Catherine Connell. 2010. “‘Looking Good and Sounding Right’: Aesthetic Labor and Social Inequality in the Retail Industry.” Work & Occupations 37(3): 349-377.

Revised reprint in Invisible Labor: Hidden Work in the Contemporary World (Marion Crain, Winifred Poster, Miriam Cherry, eds. University of California Press.

Reprinted in Working in America: Working in America: Continuity, Conflict, and Change in a New Economic Era (Amy S. Wharton, ed.). Paradigm Publishers.

Connell, Catherine. 2010. “Doing, Undoing, or Redoing Gender? Learning From the Workplace Experiences of Trans People.” Gender & Society 24(1): 31-55.

Featured on JSTOR Daily

Winner of the SWS Cheryl Allen Miller Award

Winner of the ASA Section on Sex & Gender Sally Hacker Award

Connell, Catherine and Sinikka Elliot. 2009. “Beyond ‘The Birds and the Bees’: Learning Inequality Through Sexual Education.” American Journal of Sexuality Education 4(1): 83-102.

Connell, Catherine. 2007 . “Repairing a Schism in Feminism: Toward a Broader Understanding of Gender Discrimination.” Intersections: Women’s and Gender Studies in Review Across Disciplines 5: 13-20.

Schilt, Kristen and Catherine Connell. 2007. “Do Workplace Gender Transitions Make Gender Trouble?” Gender, Work, & Organization 14(6): 596-618.

Book Chapters

Connell, Catherine. 2018. “‘Thank You For Coming Out Today’: The Queer Discomforts of In-Depth Interviewing” in Other, Please Specify: Queer Methods in Sociology. University of California Press.

Connell, Catherine and Ashley Mears. 2018. “Bourdieu and the Body” in Oxford Handbook of Pierre Bourdieu Oxford University Press.

Connell, Catherine. 2015. “Reconsidering the Workplace Closet: The Experiences of Gay and Lesbian Teachers.” In Sexual Orientation at Work: Contemporary Issues and Perspectives (Fiona Colgan and Nick Rumens, Eds.), p. 42-57. Routledge.

Connell, Catherine. 2011. “The Politics of the Stall: Transgender and Genderqueer Workers Negotiating ‘The Bathroom Question’.” In Embodied Resistance: Breaking Rules in Public Spaces (Christina Bobel & Samantha Kwan, Eds.), p 175-185. Vanderbilt Press.

Book Reviews

Connell, Catherine. 2020. Review of the books Trans Kids: Being Gendered in the 21st Century & Unbound: Transgender Men and the Remaking of Identity. Signs: Journal of Women & Culture in Society 46(1): 266-269.

Connell, Catherine. 2017. “The Cost of Fight Club Membership Too High For Some Women.” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture & Society Short Takes: Provocations on Public Feminism.

Connell, Catherine. 2014. Review of the book Transgender Employment Experiences, A Journal of Reviews 43(5): 662-663.

Connell, Catherine. 2014. Review of the book Hard to Get: 20-Something Women and the Paradox of Sexual Freedom by Leslie C. Bell. Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews 43(6): 829-830.

Connell, Catherine. 2012. Review of the book Making Up The Difference: Women, Beauty, and Direct Selling in Ecuador by Erynn Masi de Casanova. American Journal of Sociology 117(4): 1257-1259.

Connell, Catherine. 2007. Review of the book Selling Women Short: Gender and Money on Wall Street by Louise M. Roth, Gender & Society 21(5): 781-783.

Other Publications

Connell, Catherine. 2017. “POV: What Does It Mean When We Say #MeToo?” BU Today

Connell, Catherine. 2015. “Despite Expanding Marriage Rights, Protection From Employment Discrimination Continues to Elude Most LGBT Americans” UC Press

Connell, Catherine. 2015. “It’s Still Not Safe to Be a Gay Teacher” UC Press

Connell, Catherine. 2014. “Pride and Professionalism Shape the Lives of Gay and Lesbian Teachers” The Society Pages

Connell, Catherine. 2013. “Glass Escalator” in the Sociology of Work: An Encyclopedia (Vicki Smith, Ed.) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Connell, Catherine. 2011. “The Possibilities and Limitations of Subversion Through Fa(t)shion” Sociological Images

Connell, Catherine. 2009. “Sports and Homosexuality.” In Encyclopedia of Gender and Society (Jodi O’Brien, Ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.


BU Center for the Humanities Henderson Senior Fellowship

Program Assessment Mini-Grant for BU WGS Program, BU Provost’s Office and College of Arts and Sciences

Frank and Lynn Wisneski Award for Excellence in Teaching, BU College of Arts and Sciences

Cheryl Allyn Miller Award, Sociologists for Women in Society, for an outstanding contribution to research on women and paid work, “Doing (Trans)Gender at Work”

Martin P. Levine Memorial Dissertation Fellowship Award, ASA Sexualities section, for best dissertation proposal in the sociology of sexuality

UT Austin William S. Livingston Outstanding Assistant Instructor Award, for best graduate student instructor at the University of Texas at Austin

Sally Hacker Graduate Student Paper Award, ASA Sex & Gender section, for paper, “Doing (Trans)Gender at Work”

UT Women’s and Gender Studies Dissertation Award, for best dissertation proposal in Women’s Studies at the University of Texas at Austin

ASA Sexualities Section Graduate Student Paper Award, honorable mention, for paper, “Dangerous Disclosures”

Stanford Lyman Memorial Scholarship, Mid-South Sociological Association, for best dissertation project pertaining to symbolic interaction and ethics

Campus Coalition for Sexual Literacy Fellowship, The Ford Foundation, to establish a student organization dedicated to improving sexuality resources on the UT Austin campus

NSRC Summer Institute Scholarship, National Sexuality Resource Center, for three-week intensive sexuality studies seminar and methodology training

UT Austin Humanities Institute Fellow

University Honors Fellowship, UT Austin

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